
Because you need this in your eye holes: The Master Systems Display (MSD) for the Excelsior-class (Enterprise-B variant) from Star Trek

Click to embiggen.
(via Memory Alpha)
My favorite thing about the Excelsior refit are those two big ass impulse engines Starfleet slapped on the saucer. It's like they decided to turn some of the Excelsior's into hot rods. The Excelsior class in general is on my list of "ships I'd like to command if I somehow ended up in the Trekverse", along with the Constitution, Ambassador, NX, Nebula, and Intrepid classes.



On geek knowledge

Credit: Real Life Comics.
The first question wasn't obscure, though; I would be disappointed if a Trekkie didn't know that.


Long lost episodes of Doctor Who found!!!!

From BBC:
A number of early episodes of Doctor Who, which were believed to have been permanently lost, have been returned to the BBC.
BBC Worldwide is expected to confirm the find at a press screening in London later this week.
It follows weeks of speculation that some lost episodes had been located.
A total of 106 episodes featuring the first two actors to play the Doctor, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton, are currently missing.
The BBC destroyed many of the sci-fi drama's original transmission tapes in the 1960s and 1970s.
However, the majority of the episodes had been transferred on to film for foreign broadcasters. It is often these prints found in other countries that are the source of retrieved episodes.
This is fantastic!


A bit of a music interlude

I've got some posts currently percolating, but until then, have some music: Fire Woman by The Cult.

Now if you'll excuse, I have some epic air guitaring to do!


Someone definitely has too much time on their hands: a chart of (almost) every starship in science fiction

Found on Kotaku, created by a chap named Dirk Loechel on DeviantArt, this sucker is immense!

Holy Hannah! Like the title of this post says, it has almost every starship, but I think Loechel is adding new ones in the future.

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